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Billing & Payments
Handle invoices, payment methods, and promotional discounts with ease.
9 articles
How to Change Details on Your InvoiceThis article explains how to update your profile details (such as name, address, company name, and contact number) so they appear correctly on future invoices.
How to Pay for Your OrderThis article explains the available payment methods and how to complete your payment at checkout.
How to Add a Payment MethodThis article explains how to add a credit or debit card to your account for future payments.
How to Remove a Payment MethodThis article explains how to remove a saved credit or debit card from your account.
What to Do if Your Payment is DeclinedThis article explains common reasons for declined payments and steps you can take to resolve the issue.
How to Request a RefundThis article explains our refund policy and what to check before requesting a refund.
Why is Your Refund DelayedThis article explains why refunds may be delayed and what to do if there is an issue with your refund.
How to Apply a Coupon or Promo CodeThis article explains our policy on coupon codes and where you can use them if applicable.
How to Add, Update, or Delete Your Credit Card DetailsThis article explains how to access the Billing & Payments section to add, update, or delete a credit card from your account.